25% completed
25.00 $RealCBro
25 $ - March 2, 2025Silver_Dragoon1
25 $ - February 28, 2025Silver_Dragoon1
15 $ - February 28, 2025Xeos2
5 $ - February 26, 2025HvPanda
5 $ - February 23, 2025ShadyPlaysMC
5 $ - February 23, 2025Vobibobi
10 $ - February 21, 2025Demoncrusher_
10 $ - February 20, 2025If you want to support the server, you can buy and receive one of these packs for some perks.
Each rank level in this category is cumulative. The value of your current rank will be deducted from any future rank upgrade; so if you donate the 5$ level, the 10$ level will only cost 5$ after that.
You must buy through the ranks. So you start at 5$, then 10$, then 15$, and so on. Otherwise, you will not be able to get the full 100% perks. Packs are unlocked as you work your way up through these packs.
Make sure your ingame name and website name match.
Please allow up to 5 minutes for any purchases to go through.